In-the-Picture, the free online training course for Portage Home Visitors and early childhood practitioners, is now available


Read more about this free online training course and how to enrol.

In-the-Picture is an innovative approach which helps those supporting very young children with learning difficulties explore what everyday experiences and activities are like from the child’s perspective. The course was developed for the NPA by Jonathan Rix and John Parry from the Open University and covers everything you need in order to use In-the-Picture in a way that suits your working practices. It consists of 8 sessions which take one hour to study and involve reading, videos, quizzes as well as activities which provide you with opportunities to practice this observational approach. You will also receive a ‘Statement of Participation’ at the end of the course to certify that have completed the training. Although you work through the online course as an individual you can undertake the training at the same time as other members of your team. This will allow you to discuss your thoughts and ideas about ‘In-the-Picture’ with colleagues to add to your learning.

The online course can be found on the Open University’s ‘OpenLearn’ platform. Just click on this link to go direct to the course:

In order to undertake the training, you need to enrol first.  Just click on the step-by-step guide below, open the file, and follow the process.

ItP Enrolment Guide

We do hope that you find the course interesting and enjoyable and that In-the-Picture is useful in developing the support you provide to young children and their families.

If you have any questions at all about the training or ‘In-the-Picture’ do contact:

John Parry –
