Overview of the Pathway to becoming an NPA Accredited Trainer
Step 1 - Apply to be an NPA Trainee Trainer
Prior to applying to be an NPA Trainee Trainer, applicants will need to have:
- NPA Professional Membership
- Experience and evidence of a strong understanding of Portage Home Visiting and Portage in Early Years settings
- 3 years’ experience of delivering Portage within a Portage Service.
- Experience of using Portage Principles.
- Some experience of delivering training and have started to develop presentation skills.
- A reference from a Line Manager that supports the application.
- A Mentor, who will need to be an experienced Accredited Trainer (AT)
It is also desirable to have completed the NPA Core Competencies and/or Open Awards Level 3.
Please complete, and return application form TT01 Available to Download here (45.62 KB)
The application needs to be approved by the TT Line Manager, then submitted to the NPA office. If approved, the TT registration fee of £30.00 will be payavle.
Step 2 - Link to a Mentor and work towards Accreditation
Each Trainee Trainer (TT) needs to be linked to an Accredited Trainer (AT) who will act as a Mentor to support the TT through the training process.
- For Portage Services with an AT, it is usual for the AT to undertake the role of Mentor.
- If a Service does not have an AT, the TT’s service could request Mentor support from a AT in a neighbouring service.
- If a Mentor cannot be identified a request can be made to the NPA to provide a mentor, there will be a fee to provide this. Please refer to thesection on the ight hand side of this page Buying in a Mentor for A Trainee Trainer.
Step 3 – The Training Process
There are two main elements to the training, these will involve: -
- DELIVERING PORTAGE WORKSHOPS UNDER SUPERVISION - Aiming to deliver at least 50% of 4 modules of the Portage Workshop on a minimum of two Workshops.
- COMPLETING THE COMPREHENSIVE ’EVIDENCE OF SKILLS CHECKLIST’ - working through the checklist of required skills and having them signed off by their Mentor
There is no limit to the number of Workshops a TT can deliver to gain and build the skills required. A TT has 5 years to complete the 4 steps to Accreditation.
Once a TT has completed the following, they can apply to become an NPA AT
- Work through all sections of the Trainee Trainer Evidence of Skills Checklist showing evidence they have completed this.
- All Sections of the Evidence of Skills document are signed off by the Mentor showing how each section has been achieved.
The TT needs to have delivered at least 50% of four modules of the Portage Workshops on a minimum of two Workshops.
Step 4 – Applying for Accredited Trainer Status
Please complete, and return application form AT01 Available to Download here (36.19 KB)along with the completed and signed Evidence of Skills Checklist.
The Training trustee reviews the application form, and if successful approves the new AT’s application.
The new AT will receive an individual AT number and an AT Agreement to sign and return to the NPA office, this confirms their agreement with the NPA’s conditions of being a NPA AT.
The NPA office will invoice the new AT or their service for the AT accreditation fee of £150.00
If the TT is not successful, then a plan will be suggested as to how the TT can meet the requirements to gain accreditation.
AT status lasts for a period of 3 years, after which a re-accreditation needs to be applied for. The required AT renewal fee will be payable (currently £150)
To meet the requirements for re-accreditation, the AT will normally be required to demonstrate that they have:-
- delivered at least 2 Portage Workshops within the preceding 3 years
- received acceptable feedback from delegates
- kept up to date with developments within Portage and the NPA) including attendance (where possible) at a Trainers Forum/Development Day/ Regional Study Days/ AT online Meeting.
- Maintained their NPA membership
You will be notified when your accreditation status is due for renewal.
Training Factsheet - BECOMING AN NPA ACCREDITED TRAINER - OVERVIEW & COSTS is Available to Download here (110.8 KB). This includes a summary of this information, including a table of costs to download and print.