Case Studies - Portage Home Visitors
This case study is based on a little boy called Jeydan who has Downs Syndrome. Jeydan spent much of his first 18 months in hospital due to significant health needs and began receiving Portage in 2014.
This case study is based on a little girl called Phoebe who began receiving Portage in September 2013. It outlines how working in partnership with parents, working with a positive approach and jointly with other professionals has supported Phoebe to achieve her potential.
Child H lives with her parents and 5-year-old brother in a second floor flat in Walworth, Southwark. Child H is 18 months old and has global delay. Her brother also has global delay and attends a special school.
J is a two year old little boy with a diagnosis of cerebral palsy.
Across the week, J has appointments with a speech and language therapist , a feeding specialist, an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist and the visual impairment team.
Child R was referred to KIDS following a recent diagnosis of Autism. He is 2 years old and lives at home with Mum, Dad and older sister L who suffers from a severe form of arthritis.
Kim was referred to KIDS by an outreach worker at 18 months of age. She had a diagnosis of hypotonia and had been seen by the Bobath Centre (for children with cerebral palsy) in London.
I have recently started visiting a little boy (X) who is 2 years and 8 months. He lives in a high rise 2 bedroom flat with his mother, father and 3 older brothers. The family have lived in the UK for a few years, and previously lived in Afghanistan.
This case study is based on a little boy called Vincenzo (known as Enzo to his family) and highlights the importance of multi-agency working during the home/school transition.