Portage and MENCAP hit the news!

The NPA / DfE Project team would like to share recent publicity promoting the value of Portage and highlighting cuts to Portage services.


In January we asked NPA members to support MENCAP’s ‘Hear my Voice’ campaign by encouraging Portage families to complete a parent questionnaire.

MENCAP also sent out Freedom of Information requests to all local authorities asking about Portage provision.

Since then we have been developing partnership links with MENCAP; working together to prepare a press release, sharing the results of MENCAP’s research and the extremely positive feedback from parents across the country.                                  

Within 3 weeks, over 400 questionnaires were completed and MENCAP were delighted with the response.


Last month, there was a flurry of publicity promoting Portage and we have been overwhelmed with the fantastic response across social media.

Click here to read the article featured in the Independent on Sunday’  on Sunday March 15th.

Click to hear Radio 4’s ‘You and Yours’ programme, aired on Monday 16th March.

See the full press release including research statistics and parent quotes on the MENCAP website. 

Read passionate blogs written by Portage parents in support of MENCAP’s campaign and celebrating the value of Portage.   

 Blog by Michele Ross – North Yorkshire – ‘Portage has changed our lives..’

 Blog written by Hayley Golenowskia – Cornwall – ‘What is Portage and why is it important?’

 The press release and articles have also been featured in:

‘Learning Disability Today’ – website and magazine.

‘Enable’ – disability lifestyle magazine.

Local Gov.co.uk’ – the UK’s largest local government news website.


Thank you to everyone who helped to raise awareness of MENCAP’s research and promoted the parent questionnaire to families.     

Thank you also to all those who have supported the NPA on our Twitter and Facebook pages, which have been inundated with positive messages of support.

Please join us online at either Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with future publicity, further partnership work, NPA events & news.