Seminar - The Bookstart Packs: How to share books with children with additional needs

University Of Derby and BookTrust Early Years Team

20 mins 17 secs

This seminar provides a summary of the recent BookTrust /Bookstart SEN research and includes;

  • The benefits of reading for pleasure for children with additional needs
  • How children with additional needs can be supported to engage with reading for pleasure

The team also highlight how Bookstart packs support children with additional needs and outline the following;

  • Overview of the packs
  • How they are used with families and their impact
  • How to get hold of packs in your area

Please note, presenters briefly refer to case studies and video shown during the seminar, these have been removed from this recording. Group work and discussion was also a part of the session but we are unable to include.

Teaser Video

Book Trust Seminar Trailer Portage Conference 2016