Makaton resources for families

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Makaton resources for families

Good afternoon everyone, I am a Portage Home Visitor for Doncaster Portage team. 

We are looking at how we provide makaton signs to our families and support them to learn. We currently have a makaton dictionary that we created ourselves but this is often too overwhelming for families. We saw that another local Portage team created books in themes and these were lovely. 

We are members of the Makaton charity and I hoped they would have a booklet template where we could easily drag signs into it and create booklets however, this doesn’t seem to be the case (Or I cannot see where to do this!) 

I have reached out to our S&LT team and they would like to work with us to create something family friendly but I'm just looking for ideas of what this could look like, what has worked for other authorities and if anyone knows of any programmes that can do this. 

We have a facebook page so we are able to post makaton signs of the week and songs to learn which is good. 

Thank you 

Nicky Brettoner

Portage Home Visitor / Keyworker

Early Years Inclusion Team

Early Intervention and Localities Service

Doncaster Council

Phone         01302 862102           Mobile         07796183761

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