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NPA Survey – The local offer and Free Entitlement for 2 Year Olds (2013)
Type of content: Resource
NPA Survey – The local offer and Free Entitlement for 2 Year Olds (2013) by Sue Goodhead.
In September 2013, the National Portage Association (NPA) sent out a short electronic survey to 104 NPA registered services. The main purpose of the survey was to track:
1. Whether Portage is one of the choices being included in the ‘local offer’ which each local authority is required to publish by September 2014.
2. Whether the 'free entitlement' for some 2 year olds which started in September 2013 is affecting the availability of Portage to families.
3. Whether the proposed extension of the ‘free entitlement’ to include 2 year olds with disabilities in September 2014 is leading local authorities to consider changes in Portage service delivery for this group of children.