All hub content tagged as - Language

Top Tips: Supporting Your Child to Develop Early Reading Skills

Type of content: Resource

Communication and Language Skills: Supporting Your Child to Develop Early Reading Skills - activities to support the development of skills needed for literacy and early reading.

Top Tips: Supporting Your Child to Develop Joint/Shared Attention

Type of content: Resource

Communication and Language Skills: Supporting Your Child to Develop a Joint or Shared Attention - activities and strategies to help develop communication skills and important social skills; supporting your child’s interest in objects, the environment and people around them.

Makaton Signs for Transition

Type of content: Resource

Makaton is a language programme using signs and symbols to help people to communicate.  It is designed to support spoken language and the signs and symbols are used with speech, in spoken word order.

First 100 Words Checklist

Type of content: Resource

Checklist of first 100 words. Includes places to mark if a child understands a word or if they can say a word spontaneously.