Portage news

‘Talking About Down’s Syndrome. Conversations for New Parents.’ New 'fink' cards written by Hayley Goleniowska

The NPA / DfE Project team would like to share recent publicity promoting the value of Portage and highlighting cuts to Portage services.


The National Portage Association would like to request your support in promoting a short online survey to Portage families, produced by MENCAP.

The results will be shared with the NPA to support the development of Portage services.

The NPA are delighted to announce that two early year’s settings in Northumberland are the first to receive the ‘Portage Stamp of Approval’ award.

Congratulations to Princess Louise Pre-School Nursery and Tippy Toes Childcare in Blyth, both supported by the Northumberland Portage service.
